This post is once again on one of the sweet memories of my
college life. When we entered the 2nd year we quiet found lot of
changes in the Hostel. It was only two floors before and now the third floor
was being constructed. We were shocked to find uninterrupted water supply. The
canteen contract was given to a new group, as a result the menu got changed.
Finally a lot number of new coin operated phone were put up which means guys
need not wait so long to romance with their girlfriends. Mobile phones were
banned inside Sai Ram campus and so we had coin operated phone to ring up to our
families. But its quiet common to see guys using just one or two coin to speak
to their home and nearly 30-40 coins for their girlfriends. After all it’s the
only way of communicating with girls in that strict campus, so I don’t blame
them but actually feel pity for them.
Coming back, as I mentioned before the canteen contract was
handed over to a different caters. On one Saturday after returning back from
our evening play of Volleyball we found a huge crowd at the entrance. Over
hearing the discussion of the crowd we came to know that it’s going to be a
buffet dinner tonight. Adding to our excitement was that buffet served both
Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian food. We thought that If there was one who was
studying during the first study hour then for sure he might be an idiot,
because the entire hostel was discussing about the buffet. Though usually
during the study hours there would be much silence, on that day it was
completely filled with the discussions coming from each and every room. Even
the security and the warden couldn’t control us.
7.30 pm
All the other days at this time only few from the hostel
move towards the canteen. We IT guys always start by 7.45 because we could find
the canteen less crowded at that time. But on that day once the bell rang at
7.30 every one ran towards the canteen. We didn’t understand why people were
running like this. As our room was in the third floor we were watching it from
the veranda. At 7.45 we left to the canteen and approaching it we were shocked
to see the scene there. There was a huge line continuing even out of the
canteen. It was the line for Non-Vegetarian Buffet. The Vegetarian was served
at a different place and we found it completely empty with a total of around 50
boys. Cursing the management for not making the canteen much bigger we stood in
the line. 10 min later we were almost near to our destination. We found Balu
sir instructing the serving man to put extra chicken piece. Seeing the scene it
started mouth watering for every one of us. Visualizing that scene makes me
mouth watering even now. Among us Karthik’s favorite was Chicken Biriyani. I
and Sreenivas were discussing about having how many rounds of food. We
collected our plate and started tasting every items present. The menu was
Tomato Soup, Gulab Jamun, Naan, Chicken Biriyani, Chicken gravy, Salad, Ice
cream, Banana. Meanwhile a good news started spreading throughout the canteen.
It was that Balu sir has cancelled the second study hour which we usually have
it after dinner. This was such a great treat for all of us. Going in for more
rounds we were enjoying it every time and since few of the servers at the
canteen are friend of us we IT guys get extra chicken or gulab jamun or even
the ice cream. Finishing our great feast we came out of the canteen only by
around 9.15 pm. Even then there were lots still having their food back.
Note: You may even feel weird about us after reading all the
above lines but to be honest at SaiRam finding such delicious food is rare.
Only occasionally we get such food. Rest of the days there were even few who
skipped either breakfast or lunch or dinner or all the above.
So returning back to hostel and also the study being
cancelled it was a great enjoyment for us. In the veranda we IT guys along with
Mech, EEE and E&I had a long chat only to know that the time was 10pm.
Saturday night 10pm is the time which is eagerly awaited by almost half of the hostelers apart from this buffet, because from 10pm till next day dawn we are
allowed to watch any number of films. Continuing the chat we moved towards the
TV hall and started enjoying the movie.
Though I have visited a number of buffets, this kind of
buffet can be hardly found and cherished in my later days.
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