At the very moment, you step into DXB, you could hear people calling out the city as the land of Arabs or even as the land of expats. However, as I stepped out, to me it was the land of wonders.
Every single step astonished me in this scintillating city. It was really a great feat achieved by the nation, in such a short span of time, transfiguring the desert into one of the world’s most acclaimed city. Be it the downtown or the outskirts, everything is as per the books and hardly one could come out with any concern.
Amidst the chaos of this busy city and shifting population, there, at a distance, she stood majestically that I stumbled upon the very first look.
Wrapped up elegantly as in a wedding gown with tiny beads, shimmering to the sun’s departure, she was bewitching.
And as the blanket of dusk wrapped its cover across the sky, her charm was intensifying slowly and gently.
Within minutes she was radiant, right from her head to toe, raising a jealousy eye among the other hotties of the region. Well, I could not lift my eyes off her and neither were anyone across the city. Her curves ran down flawlessly. Every other second she was draped in prodigious colors and livery, elevating the euphoria within me.
The moment I saw her first, I thought that she had just overstepped the clouds, growing beyond her limit. However later did I convince me that she grew infinitely high just to hold a bird’s eye view of her admirers. For a stardom of her stature, she needs to have her eyes wide open as the chances of her diadem (“world’s tallest building”) might shift hands.

Wait a minute… Wait a minute!!!
I seriously doubt if it is we who have an eye with her always?
Or maybe it’s just the other way round. I feel like she holds a constant vigil upon all us thereby, reminding every single time that “you are being watched”. She ensures that the city and the Persian Gulf expand in all the horizons and the people are focused towards achieving it.
Well, that is something remarkable of its stature. So as I kept thinking of it, there was a loud bang behind me. And as I turned around, the fountains at the base of Burj Khalifa were ready for yet another elevated performance.

So with one last look, I just turned back and walked away controlling my desire. Later, as I stepped onto the metro, this particular thought kept hitting my brains.
“You are being watched!!”
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